Saturday, March 18, 2017

Still Awaiting Many Answers

As anticipated, this past week was much more eventful than the previous week. On Tuesday the KU Oncologist gave us the preliminary test results from the PET scan. I have a 3.4 centimeter tumor in my right lung, an enlarged lymph node on the right side of my neck, several more lymph nodes closer to the heart, and the area around the heart is cancerous. It was also confirmed as stage 4 Adenocarcinoma, a type of non-small lung cancer. Obviously these are not great results, but they could have been much worse and the cancer could have spread to other organs. KU did recommend an immunotherapy treatment, but we have made the decision to undergo treatment through Washington University (Siteman Cancer).

On Thursday we had appointment with our Washington University Lung Cancer Oncologist. After only a few minutes into the consultation Maureen and I knew that this was going to be our best option. Washington University has an entire team of Oncologists, Thoracic Surgeons, Pulmonologists, and researchers dedicated to Lung Cancer. If you are interested in additional information, I have provided a link to their lung cancer website. I truly believe that this is going to be my best chance of success. Additionally, it has been refreshing to be with my immediate family once again. You don’t realize the strength and courage that can be gained from being with family; especially when you have lived out of town for the past 6 years.

I will be in St. Louis for the next week for several other appointments and hopefully by Friday we will have the information required to decide on a treatment plan. At this point I’m unsure how my time will be split between St. Louis and Kansas City.

We are still awaiting the results of the Biopsy I had last Friday so our Oncologist is holding off on determining a treatment plan. We are hoping and praying that the Biopsy shows one of the biomarkers that would make me eligible for targeted therapy. This treatment is typically given in pill form and is programmed specifically for the type of cancer mutation. Many times this has better results than Chemotherapy and does not include the harsh side effects.

Given that I am a nonsmoker, in terrific shape, and have no family history of lung cancer it is impossible to determine the cause. Even more perplexing is that I’m only 28 years old. Our Oncologist put it best in saying that I basically “got struck by lightning”. These cases simply do not happen often.  The astonishing reality is that it is likely that I have had lung cancer for the past 3-4 years. It boggles the mind to think all of the things that I have accomplished during this time.

On Friday morning I had started to have pain in my left lung and was taken to the emergency room. After running a battery of tests the doctors determined that the pain was coming from a buildup of fluid in the left lung. I had 650 cc of fluid removed later in the day. The fluid buildup is from the lung cancer and until the cancer responds to treatment, there is always the risk for the fluid to return.

With the information gained this week I feel like a boxer in a fight with cancer. Unfortunately for the past few years I have been blindfolded and have had my hands tied. Not until I start treatment will this be a fair fight. However, I am very confident that my body will respond positively to whatever treatment is administered. I have already started to prepare emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally for this fight.

The support from everyone in my life will help in the fight as well. Maureen and I continue to be humbled and amazed by the support from everyone in our lives. I am not going to attempt to list everyone out for fear of leaving someone out, but you are all amazing. 


  1. I will continue to keep you in my prayers! Emma Green

  2. Greg and Maureen, we are continuing prayers for you and your family. Sounds like you have a fantastic team of expert doctors. Please, let us know how we can best help. The Lanari Family

  3. Eternal Father in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us that in difficult moments we may not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence submit ourselves to your holy will which is love and mercy itself. Amen. ❤

  4. Stay strong and keep fighting. Love ya Uncle Dennis

  5. May Our Lord continue to assist all the doctors, nurses and research team as they put all their knowledge and experience to work in determining the best plan to use. And for Moe and Greg and for all of us to continue to trust in Our Lord's plan.

  6. We're thinking of you here on the Compliance team! I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. I'm glad to hear that you are finding some comfort in knowing you can trust God to give you strength during this difficult time.

    Take care of yourself and hope to see you around the halls at work soon! - Elizabeth Sherry

  7. Wow. You have us lined up to be your corner trainers in your heavyweight fight! You will be bruised, feel bloodied and fatigued throwing punches. But you will fight the next roun! I hope our prayers as the w you rejuvenation water. Sounds like God is showing the path! God Bless and Godspeed!

  8. I'm glad to hear you've got such a great medical team. Thank you for taking the time to provide updates. Stay strong and keep up the positive outlook. God Bless you.


  9. Greg,
    I just heard of your diagnosis and am praying so hard for you. May you feel the love and comfort of your family and friends. From your words you definitely have a fighting spirit. God is on your side and will never leave you. Count on my continued prayers.
    God bless, Sue O'Daniel
